I have finally got a charger. It just arrived today.
I know i said it should be here in a few weeks and its been way way longer. But i didn't end up ordering one until recently because I was so busy with exams and things like that. I'm thinking about reviewing the books i read during this time, let me know if you would like me to review them or just review the ones i read from now on?
Also, in about a week I will be off again for a few weeks because I will be going on holiday with my family for two weeks, I'll return a day before my results day. After results day depending on how well or how bad i do I could be back either after a day or another two weeks because i would have to find a university that will take me if i don't do so well. But hopefully i will.
Enchanted By Words
Friday, 20 July 2012
Thursday, 19 April 2012
Saturday, 14 April 2012
Review: Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins
My rating: ★★★★★
Book: Lola and the Boy Next Door
Author: Stephanie Perkins
In this companion novel to Anna and the French Kiss, two teens discover that true love may be closer than they think.
For budding costume designer Lola Nolan, the more outrageous, the outfit—more sparkly, more fun, more wild—the better. But even though Lola’s style is outrageous, she’s a devoted daughter and friend with some big plans for the future. And everything is pretty perfect (right down to her hot rocker boyfriend) until the dreaded Bell twins move back into the house next door.
When the family returns and Cricket—a gifted inventor and engineer—steps out from his twin sister’s shadow and back into Lola’s life, she must finally reconcile a lifetime of feelings for the boy next door.
I have no words to describe this. Stephanie Perkins does not fail to impress. She is definitely definitely on my list of top 10 authors, and both of her books are in my list of Top 10 Books now. I can not believe I have only just read her books, boy have i been missing out.
I was in love with Anna and the French Kiss, I didn't think Stephanie Perkins would be able to do any better than Anna but what can i say. she did.
I'm in love with her writing style. I think a lot of YA contemporary romance books have one problem, the stories are great but style of writing lets us down. Stephanie Perkins gets it just right, you get enough description in there to feel what the characters feel so you can empathize with them. Plus, the characters are so likeable you want them to ...well get together.
Lola is one confused chick, she has an older rock god boyfriend and everything is perfect but then Cricket returns. Cricket is this tall, handsome, loveable, down to earth guy who would do anything for anyone. But Lola has already given Cricket a chance and he left her. Whos ready for a second chance?
I just love Lola and Cricket, as charming as St. Clair is, Cricket is definitely my favourite (by a teeny tiny bit) I don't know, there is just something about him. He's clearly got the height, the strength on the outside but inside he's so soft and warm and caring, he's well dressed...basically, he is the perfect guy. I even liked the fact that cricket didn't have much experience, it just worked for him.
Just like Anna and the French Kiss I loved the setting; it wasn't in the city of love this time, it was in San Francisco. I live in England so have not a single clue about what San Francisco is like but I sure did love the description of it. If it is actually anything like what it is in the book, I would love to visit there.
Okay so I finish reading Anna and I think wtf I need more..you cant just finish therethats crazy. So I sink into Lola and the Boy Next Door hoping I would find a story as good as Anna although I truly doubted it. And then out of nowhere...Anna and St Clair are back. I knew this was a companion novel, but I was shocked, I just sat there like... Whaaaaaaaaaaat. They were proper proper characters in Lola , and I was glad becaus e after Anna I didnt want to finish Anna and St. Clairs story I wanted to know what happend after, and we get to see them from a new pperspective, we see a new side to them.So a big thumbs up to Stephanie Perkins on that one for being nice enough to give up a bit more Etienne.
I think what was so great about Lola was that it was so different to Anna but so similar at the same time. This time Lola was feeling what Etienne was feeling throughout Anna.
The Cover...ahhhh perfection. It fits so well with the book, you can see the houses at the back and then there's the all important window that Anna and Cricket are standing in front of, and although I imagined Anna a little different the picture fits exactly with Lola in the book , and Cricket was exactly as I imagined him, I love his rubber bracelets, blue one of course. The cover was cute, and perfect for the book.
So, summing it all up, everything about this book was Perfect, from the inside out, and I would recommend it to EVERYONE, if your a girl I'm pretty sure you'll love it. Even if you don't usually read romances, give this at least a try. (You can read just Lola if you want, but I would recommend reading Anna first)
(I feel like i used perfect a lot in this review, but its the only word i could think of to show you how amazing this book is)
Favourite Quotes: Epic Fail by Claire LaZebnik
“Juliana's a year older than me, but she sometimes seems younger - mostly because she's the opposite of cynical and I'm the opposite of the opposite of cynical.”
“He only invited me because of you and Chase.'
'Right,' she said, following me inside. 'He's never shown the slightest interest in you before. I mean, he's never stared at you like you're the only person in the room when we're all together. Or sulked around for days because you turned him down for a dance. Or touched the sleeve of your sweater when he thinks no one's looking-'
'He's never done any of that,' I said. Then, less confidently, 'Has he?”
“No one's family is normal. Normalcy is a lie invented by advertising agencies to make the rest of us feel inferior.”
“Man, I hated not being able to figure someone out. And from the slightly uncertain look he gave me as we all went to class, I suspected he felt the same way.”
“And Derek was... what?
A pair of dark eyes that hid more than they revealed and some broad shoulders and a mouth that could be cold and thin and then suddenly widen into a generous grin just when you thought such a thing was impossible.”
“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”...“Basically it means the world's a giant shit hole, but some of us are capable of imagining something better”
“...and I had a feeling that someone like Juliana could get chewed up and spat out in a second.”
Quote It Saturday (4)
"No one's family is normal. Normalcy is a lie invented by advertising agencies to make the rest of us feel inferior." - Claire LaZebnik (Epic Fail)
Review: Epic Fail by Claire LaZebnik
My rating: ★★★★☆
Book: Epic Fail
Author: Claire LaZebnik
In this modern take on "Pride and Prejudice," Elise Benton, who has just moved to California, is a junior at an exclusive prep school where, in spite of her initial bad impression, she finds herself attracted to the moody and handsome son of Hollywood's most famous celebrity couple.
“I got lost in him, and it was the kind of lost that's exactly like being found.”
It says in the Synopsis that it's a modern take on Pride and Prejudice, which is obviously a classic, but as I haven't read it yet, I wont comment on that. Maybe this will be an excuse to read Pride and Prejudice now.
I have to say that I really liked this book. I don't know why in my mind I kept comparing it to Not that kind of girl by Siobhan Vivian which I read earlier this week. Even the covers used similar colours, I think both books just explored similar themes like boys, high school, relationships, and then you have the tall muscular guy who is actually a total sweetheart but you wouldn't expect him to be, and then the female protagonist who is to quick to judge and is blind to the truth...at first.
But more than Not That Kind Of Girl, I really did enjoy this book. I felt more sympathy for Elise the protagonist, she was so likeable had her values and stayed true to them through the book but while she managed that, she doesn't see the truth, over thinks too much and doesn't realise she may be wrong.
As you may know, I am really big on endings, if the ending isn't right it can kill the book for me, and i have to say I wasn't too happy about the ending, not about what happened because everything was the way it should have played out, that was fine. But, I felt like there was something missing in the ending, the way it was written didn't seem right to me. That is my own personal opinion, though I do think the rest of the book was lovely and Claire LaZebnik is a very talented writer.
It just was a great quick easy read that I loved. I didn't initially think I would like it much but I was pleasantly surprised.
I grew to like Derek and Even the rest of the characters were so likeable, Juliana and Chase, and obviously what's high school without the beautifulself-centred mean girl, Chelsea and her Sidekick Gifford.
As you may know, I am really big on endings, if the ending isn't right it can kill the book for me, and i have to say I wasn't too happy about the ending, not about what happened because everything was the way it should have played out, that was fine. But, I felt like there was something missing in the ending, the way it was written didn't seem right to me. That is my own personal opinion, though I do think the rest of the book was lovely and Claire LaZebnik is a very talented writer.
It just was a great quick easy read that I loved. I didn't initially think I would like it much but I was pleasantly surprised.
I grew to like Derek and Even the rest of the characters were so likeable, Juliana and Chase, and obviously what's high school without the beautiful
Another thing I think I should mention is the cover. One of the things that drew me into the book was the cover, but to be honest I didn't feel like the cover had anything to do with the book, I don't quite get it. Anyone? I mean even the title, to me was irrelevant to the book itself. From what I can remember the word 'Fail' was mentioned twice in the book and 'Epic Fail' was mentioned Once and even that seemed like it was pushed in there just to link to the title.
So overall this was a great easy quick read but I would have liked to see the romance developed a bit more. I would totally recommend to anyone who likes light YA Contemporary Romance. I think I'm going to give Claire LaZebnik another shot, any suggestions?
I am really confused about what rating to give the book, it's somewhere between 3 and 4 stars but I'm not sure how much I liked it, or how much the ending put me off. I'm going to be nice and put 4 for now.
Oh oh oh. and I don't think I mentioned this, I fell in love with Derek, once we found out about what he's really like
I am really confused about what rating to give the book, it's somewhere between 3 and 4 stars but I'm not sure how much I liked it, or how much the ending put me off. I'm going to be nice and put 4 for now.
Oh oh oh. and I don't think I mentioned this, I fell in love with Derek, once we found out about what he's really like
Friday, 13 April 2012
The Friday 56 (4)

Author: Stephanie Perkinsir Arthur Conan Doyle
"So what do I wish for? Something I'm not sure what I want? Someone I'm not sure I need? Or Someone I know I can't have?Screw it. Let the fates decide.
I wish for the thing thats best for me."
Edit: I think I'm going crazy, that soo was not from page 56 :$ I just picked one of my favourite quotes from the book without thinking. I think I'll leave it now though. Silly me.
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